I was chatting with Melissa last 2 days, and we discovered a new word 'drytographer' during her commented on my msn display picture.
day 1ei.. don put ur pict in black and white leh
not nice
i m pantang wit it
put color lah
although it is nicer in black and white
this world is beautify with color, y u like black and white?
after that she went off, but i still didnt change the picture yet.
day 2change pict!
u always want to black and whited it
y must put black and white jeh?
bnw only giv ppl sad feeling
the bnw make it so dry
DRY u know
1 or 2 pict bnw is artistic, too much is called dry
my respond....hah..
like tat
she said againvery correct
ai... be wet a bit
so i force to change the picture, hahaha..but I still post a bigger dry photo here!...cui meh! kekekekkee